Spiced poached pear with cardamon cream


Spiced poached pear, cardamon cream, cardamon, pear dessert

Spiced poached pear with cardamon cream

I never been a great fan of pears, I don’t know why. I eat them but I don’t go out of my way to buy them. Last week after a long day working and meetings I got home to find a box full of apples and pears from South Africa Fruit.  In Brazil we have a great variety of poached fruits preserved in jars like peaches, green papaya, pumpkin & coconut amongst others . Here is a recipe using the lovely pears sent to me. It’s a easy recipe and you can store them in sterilised
jars. They will keep in the syrup for about one month, but I very much doubt it you will resist the temptation for that long.

Spiced poached pear with cardamon cream, recipe

20 firm pears
3 cups water  (600ml)

1 lemon ( juice and peel)

3 cups sugar [600ml
1 cinnamon stick

3 cloves

1 glass of dry white wine

1)Peel the pears and cut in to  quarters. reserve in water.

2)In a large saucepan, place the remaining ingredients, except the white wine and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Simmer in low heat and uncovered for 15 minutes.

3) Drain the pears and add them to the pan and cook for a further 5-8 minutes, until tender but firm.

4)Take the pears out of the pan. Reserve.

5)put the pan with the syrup back on the stove and now add the glass of wine.

Cook in very low heat until it reach a syrup consistency.

6)Transfer to a bowl, add the reserved pears to the syrup and to serve immediately, or in sterilised jars, if you are storing it for longer.

Serve cold with cardamon cream

Cardamon cream

200ml of double cream

1 teaspoon of cardamon in powder

3 tablespoons of icing sugar

1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

whisk all in a big bowl till cream  has a consistency of soft peaks. Reserve in the fridge.


Thanks to South African Fruits for sending me a tray full of apples and pears.

