The Great British Chefs @ HomeMade London

Last night Homemade London hosted a chocolate truffle workshop and twelve of us were lucky enough to be invited by the Great British Chefs as part of the chocolate week celebrations.  I recipe tested three of the Great British Chefs app recipes  back in July, you can read about it here. The chocolate truffle recipe chosen for last nights workshop was from Martin Whishart Armagnac ganache truffles from the Great British Chefs app  and  expertly adapted by Nicola @HomemadeLondon. As you can image it was a delicious night! Nicola and her lovely staff made us feel at home at her beautiful and relaxing place right in the heart of London.  A piece of heaven in the middle of the madness of Marble Arch area. We started the night with a glass of fizz and introductions. Next we were directed downstairs and paired to make the truffles. 
Martin Whishart Armagnac ganache truffles
500gr  dark chocolate
250ml double cream
100ml Armagnac
250gr unsalted butter
50gr Cocoa powder
prepare your tools
the guests (not part of the recipe but always fun to have lovely people around)
heat the cream gently till simmering point
add the warm cream to the chocolate pieces and mix evenly, add flavor (I added Armagnac)
Melanie, @mseasons, my partner in chocolate crime, mixing the cream & chocolate
nice and smooth
ready to chill for one hour
roll the mix and dust in cocoa and decorate with a few dried freeze raspberries 
my truffles
Making the presentation box
making the boxes or getting someone else to do it for you…..
ph: Laura Porter @AboutLondon

Nicola the hostess
place the truffles in the box, they almost didn’t make into the box!
Trying one or two! splendid!
Laura’s box @AboutLondon
My box
We were given some lovely chocolate to made truffles at home
For more chocolate & other Michelin star chefs recipes, their fabulous app and more exciting news to come:
Massive thanks to Nicola and her team at HomeMadeLondon and to the lovely hard working Mex for organising such a delectable event. 
For more lovely photos and review read  @Londondear’s post : here