Kitchen envy at Eletroclux Grand Cuisine

Appliances and kitchenware got a professional makeover by Electrolux. Their pioneering culinary system, Gran Cuisine,  was launched last week. The event lasted a week and the latest system was introduced by Electrolux and Weber Shandwick to the press, food bloggers, architects and interior stylists in the very exclusive The Royal Geographic Society. The system is the first and only professional cooking collection tailored for the world’s most exclusive homes.  

Pretty Garden at The Royal Geographic Society

This sleek collection consists in a grand hob, a blast chiller, combination oven; conventional and steamer, the time machine for cooking. A vacuum sealer, Induction Zone, round induction zone bespoke ventilation and sear hob complete the collection.  The advanced technology in this appliances allow cooking well in advance by cooking the dishes to 90% readiness. The combination oven has been programmed to cook recipes to precision and you can upload your own recipes to it as well for an efficient result. Below: blast chiller and combination oven (conventional oven and steamer)

The Sous-vide is a precision vacuum sealer. It can vacuum seal to make easier to cook  dishes under very low temperatures to produce even cooking. You control the vacuum from 50% for cooking purposes to 100% to preserve fresh fruit and vegetables. 

The Induction Zone, is a large surface of induction cooktop with high power that gives you flexibility when cooking.  The bespoke ventilation, makes easy to enjoy cooking without lingering aromas. Gas Hob, the flames automatically adjusts the size of the pan you place on top with precise control.  The sear hob, a deep chrome-plated stainless steel surface which allows for multiple cooking without taining the different ingredients on top. Surround induction zone, a powerful curved, think ‘stir-fryer’, induction heat that effortless steams and fries.

Induction Zone:

                                                                  Gas Hob:

 The sear hob:

 Surround Induction Zone:

The stand mixer,  reminded me of my mothers old mixer, it is very robust and professional looking.  From kneading bread, to mix a cake batter to making pasta. Its a very professional and high-end gadget.  This appliance will be available for sale at Selfridges in October 2012.

The big appliances are available direct from Electrolux or through architects or interior designers.  Electrolux, will provide a chef to show you and your guests how to use the appliances too.  Prices varies from £1600 to around £17,000 per appliance excluding VAT. The whole range will set you back £65,000. When I grow up I want these appliances!
