Sourdough Bread

After a few weeks absent from blogsphere I am back with Tom‘s recipe for a fabulous sourdough bread….I always wanted a sourdough starter and my dream came through when I was invited to diner at…

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Curried scallops with coconut and coriander dahl and apple salad by Shaun Rankin

Curry is one of  the nation’s  favourite dishes thanks to the British Army, who brought ingredients back to Britain between 18th  and 19th centuries from the Indian sub continent.  Some recipes have been  reinterpreted and…

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Meeting Laurent Vernet, the master meat taster at Guinea Grill

Laurent Vernet is QMS, Quality Meat Scotland, Head of Marketing and a self-taught meat master taster. He can tell the age, sex, maturity and breed of various cuts of meats on taste and look. I…

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Spicy Chocolate and Brazil Nut Cake Recipe for Mother’s Day

A celebration spicy chocolate cake for Mother’s day. Cake Ingredients: 300 gr quality dark chocolate min 70% cocoa 15 cardamom pods seeded, crushed – discard the husks 6 free range eggs, separated, beat the yolks…

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Pancake day and Marmalade week

Marmalade is such a lovely sunny center piece at any breakfast table. I never made marmalade before, even though I read many recipes over the years, none of them inspired me until I found this…

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